Paul VERLAINE and the first poems of Fêtes Galantes.

“I address to you some verses which do not seem to me unworthy of the honors of printing.”


Paul Verlaine (1844.1896)

Autograph letter signed to his friend Edmond Lepelletier.

Four pages in-16°. Sl (August 1868).

Verlaine – General correspondence, pp. 138-139.

these last verses placed in the newspaper Le nain Jaune

In March 1869 he published his second collection of poetry Les Fêtes Galantes .



“My dear Edmond, In addition to the promised volumes, I am sending you some verses which do not seem to me unworthy of the honors of printing. If you want to serve as godfather to GG [Gregory Ganesco, director of the Yellow Nain], and through this influence which Paulus found himself, provide asylum to the Yellow Dwarf, answer (please) rue Neuve, 49, you will have deserved , the recognition of their father, of your PV. Best wishes for your father's recovery. Remind myself of Madame Lepelletier and your sister. Viotti wishes success to your pen strokes, and lets you know, through me, that Mr. Sivry, counterpointist, has not yet deserted Neustria. If successful, correct the proof very diligently and return the manuscript to me. PV. »



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