Legal Notice

Copyright of Autographes des Siècles

The photographic images represented on the Autographes des Siècles site may be subject to literary and artistic property rights, industrial property rights, neighboring rights, personality rights, and moral rights. , a property right or any other right belonging to a third party. Their reproduction by users of the Autographs of the centuries site is only authorized within the framework of private use, or for the illustration of educational or research work not commercialized in any form whatsoever (for example, courses , presentation, memory,). Their reproduction is also authorized as part of the illustration of personal, non-commercial websites.

The mention of the photographic credit is obligatory on each reproduction or representation of the photographic images. The photographic credit must be affixed next to the reproduced image or in the illustration table provided for this purpose, clearly indicating the page or place where said image is reproduced. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation or modification of all or part of the photos presented on the Autographes des siècle site, for the purpose of public distribution (excluding “educational” uses and “personal sites” mentioned above) or for commercial purposes, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited.

The site is the property of the company

Autographs of the Centuries. Eurl (Capital €50,000).

27 rue Maurice Flandin. 69003 LYON

Legal responsible is Mr. J. Paganetti.
SIRET 788 761 211 00010
NAF code : 4778C
Responsible for the publication of the site : Mr. Julien Paganetti


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