Henry de MONTHERLANT and his writings on d'Annunzio.

Letter signed to Guy Tosi.

” I intend to insert in my new Carnets , to be published in March, the following pages on d’Annunzio.”


Henry de MONTHERLANT (1895.1972)

Letter signed to Guy Tosi.

One page in-8°. Paris. October 19, 1971

“Dear Sir, I intend to insert in my new Notebooks , to be published in March, the following pages on d'Annunzio. I would be happy to know if they correspond to your feelings. Anyway, don't return them to me. As I have already written to you once, I believe, you can telephone me one morning at “Littré 78-84”, if that saves you from writing to me. Thank you for your Italian summer card. Please believe, dear Sir, in the assurance of my pleasant memories. Henry de Montherlant »

Guy Tosi (1910.2000) was professor of Italian and comparative literature at the Sorbonne and the specialist in France on Gabriele d'Annunzio, who was the subject of his state thesis. From 1943 to 1952, reader then literary director of Éditions Denoël, he was in this capacity the publisher, among others, of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Blaise Cendrars, Curzio Malaparte, Henry Miller. Appointed director of the French Institute in Florence (1954-1962), he then found a professorship at the Sorbonne.

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