George SAND, philosopher, brings comfort to his friend.

“Take life as a great duty, all the more beautiful as it is harsher. »


George Sand (1804.1876)

Autograph letter signed to Thérèse Blanc.

Three pages and ½ in-8° on paper embossed with his number.

Nohant, April 10 [18]63.

“Take life as a great duty, all the more beautiful as it is harsher. »

Beautiful and moving letter from Sand comforting her friend following the death of Count d'Aure on April 7, 1863.



“Thank you, thank you my dear Thérèse! It's good of you for sending me this memory of him, this hair and this portrait. We will treasure these relics , and we will never speak of him, despite our sorrow, except with this feeling of tenderness which is almost a sweetness. For you the loss is more cruel, it takes away such reliable and devoted support! ah! we clearly feel all the fatalities that will join the pain of this separation for you.

You suddenly have to become a strong woman, and you are almost a child. Take courage, my poor little one. Such trials only break the weak. Take life as a great duty, all the more beautiful as it is harsher . I grieve for your mother, perhaps even more than for you, who at least have the strengths of the future ahead of you. But for her, having experienced happiness late and losing it early is bitterly sad. Be his consolation, and for this overcome discouraged tears and fear of destiny . We all make destiny to ourselves ! Not entirely, there is God's part which allows us to be struck in our dearest affections. There is a part of the world and its events that are not always favorable to us.

But there is also our part, that of our will and our virtues, which is the strongest, because it conjures and transforms the dispositions of the world around us, and because it calls upon us the help of God.

Don't forget that in my last letter I told you that Mr. Buloz was very willing to help you. You will have to regain the desire and activity of your occupations. The friend who loved you so much and still sees you will take this into account. Friendships and respects to all and to you very tenderly. G.Sand. »



Marie-Thérèse de Solms , Madame Blanc (1840.1907), was the daughter of Edouard de Solms and Adrienne Olympe de Bentzon. Married at sixteen, she separated from her husband at nineteen and very early tried to make a living from her writing, with the help and encouragement of G. Sand. Under various pseudonyms (Théodore Batz, Th. Bentzon), she wrote a large number of novels, translations, and reviews, collaborating with the Revue des Deux Mondes by François Buloz and the Revue politique et littéraire.


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