Benito MUSSOLINI reorganizes the ministries of fascist Italy. 1942.

Rare document signed by the Italian dictator formalizing the installation of the headquarters of the Commission for Migration and Colonization in the center of Rome.


Benito MUSSOLINI (1883.1945)

Signed piece.

Il Duce del Fascismo letterhead

Rome. February 13, 1942.


Rare document signed by the Italian dictator formalizing the installation of the headquarters of the Commission for Migration and Colonization in the center of Rome.



Visto il contracto stipulato dall'Intendente di Finanza di Roma, per conto del Commissariato per le migration et la colonizzazione, col Cav. Di Gr. Cr. Elia Federici per l'affitto dei localo di proprietà di quest'ultimo as uso degli uffici del Commissariato medesimo;

Please note that this contract is due to the fact that it is Cav. Di Gr. Cr. Elia Federici dà in locazione al Commissariato predetto, per la durationa di anni nove e per il canone annuo di L. 550,000, lo stabile di proprietà situate in Roma, Lungotevere Marzio, Via dei Somaschi e Piazza Nicosia e precisely il first, secondo, third, quarto and fifth piano della palazzina delimitate dal Lungotevere Marzio, Via dei Somaschi, Piazza Nicosia and Via Monte Brianzo with relative cavalcavia, included I due appartamenti to this soprastanti, ed inoltre le quinto et sesto piano del corpo di manufacture susseguente other l' alloggio for the door and the adiacent seminterrato;

The title of the anzidetto canone di L. 500,000 was determined, came from the letter 29 gennaio 1940. to anticipate the termination of contracts in the event that the Administration steals its decision to facilitate the public service;

Visto il parere favorevole emesso dal consiglio di Stato nell'adunanza October 21, 1941. XIX. Vista la legge et il regulation sull'Amministrazione del patrimonio e sulla contabilità generale dello Stato; View the legge April 9, 1931.X, n.358 and successive modifications;


It is approved by the contract so stipulated in data 2 September 1941. 1° maggio 1940 a tutto il 30 April 1949 e per il canone annuo di L. 550,000 pagabili a rate quarterestrali anticipation scadenti il ​​1° maggio, 1° agosto, 1° November e 1° febbraio di ciascun anno a decorrere dalla detta data del 1° maggio 1940. XVIII.

The relativa spesa engraverà sul Capitolo 70 Residui e Capitolo 70 Competenza del balancecio del Ministero delle Finanze per l'esercizio 1941.XIX-1942.XX, and per i futuri esercizi sui corrispondenti le spese di fritto, manutenzione ed adattamento locali del cennato Commissariato.



Considering the contract stipulated by the Intendant of Finance of Rome, on behalf of the Commissioner for Migration and Colonization, with Cav. From Gr. Cr. Elia Federici for the rental of the premises belonging to the latter for use by the offices of the commissioner himself.

Considering that with the aforementioned contract Cav. From Gr. Cr. Elia Federici rents the building he owns located in Rome, Lungotevere Marzio, Via dei Somaschi and Piazza Nicosia, for nine years and for the annual rent of L. 550,000, to the aforementioned Commissariat and precisely the first, second, third, fourth and fifth floor of the building bounded by Lungotevere Marzio, Via dei Somaschi, Piazza Nicosia and Via Monte Brianzo with relative viaducts, including the two apartments above, as well as the fifth and sixth floors of the next building beyond the accommodation for the doorman and the adjacent basement;

I believe that the aforementioned fee of 500,000 L. was determined, in accordance with the letter of January 29, 1940. XVIII by the Technical Tax Office of Rome, which also considered the compensation of 100,000 L. to be paid to the owner for each year the appropriate early termination of the contract in the event that the Administration wishes to use this right in the interest of the public service;

Considering the favorable opinion rendered by the Council of State in the session of October 21, 1941. XIX. Considering the law and the regulations on the administration of heritage and on the general accounting of the State; Considering Law No. 358 of April 9, 1931.X, and its subsequent amendments;


The above-mentioned contract stipulated on September 2, 1941 is approved. until April 30, 1949 and for the annual fee of 550,000 lire payable in advance in quarterly installments falling on May 1, August 1, November 1 and February 1 of each year from the said date of May 1, 1940. XVIII.

The related expenses will be borne by chapter 70 Residues and chapter 70 Competence of the budget of the Ministry of Finance for the financial year 1941.XIX-1942.XX, and for future financial years on the corresponding costs of frying, maintenance and local adaptation of the aforementioned Commission.



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