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Albert CAMUS – Signed autograph letter

Autograph letter signed to Mr. Dynham.

“It is a modern dream to want to reduce the hero of a novel to his behavior alone.”


Albert Camus (1913.1960)

Autograph letter signed to Mr. Dynham.

One page in-8° on NRF letterhead. Slnd.

“Dear Mr. Dynham, Thank you for your kind letter. It is a modern dream to want to reduce the hero of a novel to his behavior alone. There is not a single great work of fiction where the hero does not explain himself and sometimes at length, when it is not the author himself who speaks. The greatest novel I know, War and Peace, has hundreds of pages of essay. That doesn't prevent Natacha Rostov, Bezukhov or Prince Andrew from having great romantic intensity. Neither Melville (not even in the admirable Billy Budd), nor Cervantes, nor Balzac, nor Dickens, nor the classic French novelists deprived themselves of the necessary explanations. »


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