Salvador DALÍ contemplates the sunrise and the bay of Port-Lligat.

Magnificent shot of Dalí, mustaches erect, haloed by the rising sun above the rocky lands of Cap Creus.


Further information

Salvador Dali (1904.1989)

Original photograph.

Vintage silver print depicting the Catalan painter contemplating the bay of Port-Lligat at dawn from the window of his bedroom.

Magnificent shot of Dalí, mustaches erect, haloed by the rising sun above the rocky lands of Cap Creus.


The painter was proud of being the first Spaniard to see the sun rise. Indeed, Port-Lligat being located at the easternmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula, Dalí had a mirror installed in his bedroom which reflected the first rays of the rising sun onto his bed.


Stamp of the Spanish photographer Agustí Centelles (1909.1985) on the back.

Size: 17.50 x 23 cm. Undated (circa 1960)


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