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Jules ROMAINS – Signed autograph letter.

Autograph letter signed to Mony Sabin

Jules Romans particularly moved by his correspondent's article on Men of Good Will.

“You have written some of the most striking studies that have appeared on Men of Good Will. »


Jules ROMAINS (1885-1972)

Autograph letter signed to Mony Sabin

Three pages in-8°. Autograph envelope. Paris. March 22, 1947

“You have written one of the most striking studies that has appeared on Men of Good Will. »

Jules Romans particularly moved by his correspondent's article on Men of Good Will.

“Dear Sir, Miss Andemar has just sent me your article from the Écho d’Alger. To say that I thank you is much too weak. You have written there, in a few paragraphs, one of the most striking studies that have appeared on The Men of Good Will. No doubt your benevolence would be enough to move me - especially since it forms such a contrast with the ignominious wickedness of some, but there is something else: this fact (so rare, so wonderful!) that you give just the reasons that I wish to see in the esteem, in the interest that can be shown in my work. The word “understanding” has never had a better opportunity to apply itself. And how could I not be a little reassured at the same time? If you, whom I have certainly never indoctrinated, discover all this, which precisely my ambition was to put in my work, there is a good chance that it will be there a little. And how could a judge, of such obviously acute intelligence, be completely wrong in his measurement of a work? I'm not sure where to send this letter to you. I'll ask Miss Andemar. But please give me your address. I want to stay in touch with you (some of my friends will also want to talk to you about their projects, I'm sure). With all my heart your Jules Romains. »

Men of Good Will is a novelistic sequel written by Jules Romans, made up of 27 volumes, published regularly between 1932 and 1946.


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