During the war, General de GAULLE cited Georges CLEMENCEAU.

« When you only have one hand, you have to keep it clean. Clemenceau. »


Charles de GAULLE (1890.1970)

Letter signed to Yvonne Salmon.

A page in-4° on paper with its header from Carlton Gardens.

London. November 21, 1942.

Autograph apostille.


« When you only have one hand, you have to keep it clean. »

The General thanks his ally for his dithyrambic letter following his speech of support for the allies given to the BBC on the evening of the landings in North Africa, November 8, 1942. Kept away from this military operation by the English and the Americans, De Gaulle cites Clemenceau to demonstrate his absolute quest for victory.



“Miss, I received your letter of November 8. I thank you for your loyalty and congratulate you on your tireless dedication. Please accept, Mademoiselle, the expression of my best feelings. C. de Gaulle. »

In the lower margin, de Gaulle notes this quote from Georges Clemenceau:

« When you only have one hand, you have to keep it clean. Clemenceau. »




We attach the draft of Y's letter. Salmon initially addressed to the General on the evening of November 8, 1942:

“My General, For twenty-eight months I have never allowed myself to write to you when I felt comforted by you in our terrible misfortune; but this evening, after hearing you, my joy is so deep that I ask your permission to express it to you. I have been aware since June 1940 of the struggle that you have engaged in because since 1919 as a child I have struggled myself as my father had also done; for 39 years in my family we have wanted a French leader who knew how to be firm and great, like you, in front of the allies and what treat you have pulled on them on behalf of France today! How beautiful is the story of the twenty-eight month battle that you are waging alone, in silence, which will allow a Franco-English union on an equal basis and which will save the two countries, France and Great Britain when victory will be won “thanks to France” because only she can have a son capable of the gesture you made today. We now have every hope […] Yvonne Salmon. »




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