COLETTE and the birth of her cat Péronelle.

“So we are, we mother cats (…) And the new little cat will be called “peronella”.”


Sidonie Gabrielle Colette , known as COLETTE (1873.1954)

Autograph letter signed to Hélène and Philippe Berthelot.

Three large octavo pages on blue paper with Claridge Champs-Elysées hotel letterhead.

[Paris. September 1931]

“That’s how we mother cats are. »

Colette, recovering from her broken leg, rejoices in the presence of her daughter and the birth of a young cat allowing her to maintain strong morale.



“Dear friends, what a pretty letter, and written for my pleasure! Do you want me to break my other leg? Yes, if you promise to write to me again. I'm happy to think that three human – or human-like – people actually know what's serious and what's not: you two, and me.

I still need weeks of patience, the fracture is very good, but I tore all the ligaments in my foot by twisting, it takes a long time to put back together, I am told. I don't want people to pity me too much, there is sunshine in this little room where they brought me five days ago. On my bed I have a table, a cat and her six-day-old little one... Yes, dear Hélène, another little cat who is probably blind , - like all little cats, for life, - besides he drags the train from behind in a disturbing manner; – will he not have a malformation of the lower jaw which will prevent him from feeding? That’s how we mother cats are.

I find my sanity when it comes to my charming two-legged daughter [her daughter, Colette de Jouvenel], who every day brings me her freshness, the stories of the studio where she works, the news of “her” car . No, don't pity me too much. Thanks to a broken fibula, I have a taste of what I will be in a few years. It's not bitter.

 If you pass by here, come up for a moment? I will be so happy. I embrace you both tenderly, Maurice Goudeket [her husband] is your very devoted Maurice.  And the new little cat will be called “peronella”. Your Colette. »




There is no need to further develop Colette's love for cats. Let us simply note that Philippe Berthelot offered him, in 1921, a female serval from Chad, named Bâ-Tou.


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