Camille CLAUDEL – “The desire to penetrate to the depths of things. »

Autograph letter signed to Judith Cladel.

Precious letter from Camille Claudel giving information on her childhood, her life as a creator and her infinite sacrifices. An autobiography in a few lines.


Camille CLAUDEL (1864.1943)

Autograph letter signed to Judith Cladel.

Three ½ in-8° pages. Slnd (Paris. 1897)

“I think it would be much more artistic to make general remarks about my art, the love of research, the conscience, the desire to penetrate to the depths of things. »

Precious letter from Camille Claudel giving information on her childhood, her life as a creator and her infinite sacrifices. An autobiography in a few lines.

“Dear Madam, I was a little late in responding to you because my mother did not arrive as early as I thought and, moreover, did not remember many anecdotes that could add any interest to your story. The anecdotes are about the person of the artist while considerations about his work are, in my opinion, much more interesting. My mother is having some very deep thoughts. A life like mine, she says, does not prove at all that a woman can have her independence by working, on the contrary the sacrifice is more complete than in any other existence, we are not the slave of a husband, but we are not only from his work but from all the thugs who steal from you , exploit you, drag you to court, etc. and without ever having any defender. Sacrifices of money, pleasure, coquetry, renunciation of everything that usually gives charm to feminine existences, all for a single purpose. My mother particularly remembers my big band that I did at the age of 19, how many times I started again, went back in all directions to find a truly personal side; how many useless studies I did that I broke because they did not correspond to my idea. It seems that when I was very little, my greatest pleasure was to build the caves of Lourdes, in front of which I remained in contemplation for entire days, happy to have made such masterpieces (I am giving you notes at random as I find them). ). I only started later on the faces of famous men that struck me the most. You see that I have not been able to gather much more from you, but I believe that it would be much more artistic to make general remarks on my art, the love of research (sic), consciousness, desire to get to the bottom of things, than to put anecdotes (even those that I have already given you) which are more picturesque, theatrical, something which is so contrary to my character. It seems to me better to speak of the artist only than of the woman even in an original way? What do you think ? Receive, dear Madam, all my regards, and while waiting to see you to chat with you, a good handshake. Camille Claudel. »


As indicated by his great-niece, Reine-Marie Paris, this letter was most likely addressed to Judith Cladel (1873.1958) who met Camille shortly before her internment in Ville-Evrard. Judith Cladel was writing a book on Rodin and she visited Camille who welcomed her “ with simplicity and cordiality ” in her studio on the Quai de Bourbon. The two women had already met in Rodin's studio, in 1897, when she was writing an article on Camille in the newspaper La Fronde. It is certainly at that moment that Camille sent him this letter.

Camille evokes the execution of his Grand groupe , produced at the age of 19, in 1883. To date, this work has never been found. Likewise, no trace has been found of the Lourdes Cave sculptures mentioned in this letter.

Bibliography : Camille Claudel – Letters and correspondents (RM Paris / P. Cressent – ​​Éditions Culture Economica), page 750 et seq.

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